[Roxygen-devel] Roxygen2 4.0.0 - pre release
Hadley Wickham
2014-03-11 16:03:53 UTC
Hi all,

I'm planning to push roxygen2 4.0.0 to CRAN in the next week or so.
There are three main new features:

* all outputs are flagged with a comment that indicates that roxygen2
produced them, and roxygen2 will not overwrite a file it didn't
create. (This is the reason it's a major version bump)

* Rd files are no longer wrapped by default

* vignettes actually explain how to use roxygen2.

I've included the complete release notes below, but I'd really
appreciate if you'd devtools::install_github("klutometis/roxygen") and
try it out on your packages. Please let me know if you encounter any
new problems, or find the upgrade process confusing.


# roxygen2 4.0.0

Roxygen2 4.0.0 is a major update to roxygen2 that makes provides
enhanced error handling and considerably safer default behaviour. Now,
roxygen2 will never overwrite a file that it did not create. This
means that before you run it for the first time, you'll need to run
`roxygen2::upgradeRoxygen()`. That will flag all existing files as
being created by roxygen2.

## New features

* Six vignettes provide a comprehensive overview of using roxygen2 in
practice. Run `browseVignettes("roxygen2")` to access.

* `@describeIn` makes it easier to describe multiple function in
one file. This is especially useful if you want to document methods with
their generic, or with a common class, but it's also useful if you want
to document multiple related functions in one file (#185).

* `@field` documents the fields on a reference class (#181). It works the
same way as `@slot` for S4 classes.

* Roxygen2 now adds a comment to all generated files so that you know
they've been generated, and should not be hand edited.

* Roxygen2 no longer wraps the text in Rd files by default, i.e. the default
option is `wrap = FALSE` now. To override it, you have to specify a field
`Roxygen: list(wrap = TRUE)` in `DESCRIPTION` (#178).

## Improved error handling

* Roxygen2 will never overwrite a file that was not generated by
roxygen2. This means that the first time you use this version of
roxygen, you'll need to delete all existing Rd files. `roxygenise()`
gains a clean argument that will automatically remove any files
previously created by roxygen2.

* Parsing is stricter: many issues that were previously warnings are
now errors. All errors should now give you the line number of the
roxygen block associated with the error.

* Every input is now checked to make sure that you have matching braces
(e.g. every `{` has a matching `}`). This should prevent frustrating
errors that require careful reading of `.Rd` files (#183).

* `@section` titles and `@export` tags can now only span a single line
to prevent common bugs.

* `@S3method` is deprecated - just use `@export` (#198).

* Better error message if you try to document something other than NULL,
an assignment, a class, a generic or a method (#194).

## Bug fixes and minor improvements

* Remove unneeded codetools and tools dependencies.

* Bump required Rcpp version to 0.11.0, and remove custom makefiles.

* Non-syntactic argument names (like `_x`) are now surrounded by back-ticks
in the usage (#191).

* The internal parsers are no longer part of the public roxygen2 interface.

* Usage statements in generated roxygen statements non-longer contain
non-ASCII characters and will be wrapped if long (#180).

* By default, reference classes now only document their own methods,
not their methods of parents (#201).

* Default aliases always include the original name of the object, even if
overridden by `@name`. This also means that `A <- setClass("A")` will get
two aliases by default: `A` and `A-class` (#202). Use `@aliases NULL` to
suppress default alias.

* Non-syntactic class names (like `<-`) are now escaped in the usage
section of S4 methods (#205).
Hadley Wickham
2014-03-13 15:50:29 UTC
It's looking for a DESCRIPTION file in your working directory. Any
chance you're running it from a different place?


On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Timothy Bates
Post by Hadley Wickham
Error: Doesn't look like a package
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Hadley Wickham
2014-03-19 16:55:25 UTC
On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Timothy Bates
I'm getting an error running document() which is
Updating umx.twin documentation
Loading umx.twin
Using the default option wrap = FALSE since it was not specified in the
Roxygen field in DESCRIPTION
Error: Failure in roxygen block at build_twin.r:1
@result, is an unknown key
that file.
#' x = rbind(satModel$top.expMeanMZ at result, satModel$top.expMeanDZ at result)
So, two questions. what does the error "unknown key" mean? and why is the
error for line 1?
Unknown key means that roxygen doesn't know what @result means - maybe
you meant to use # instead of #' ?

Unfortunately I can only localise errors to the block in which they
occurred, not the specific line.

Hadley Wickham
2014-03-21 15:42:37 UTC
How about instead of "Failure in roxygen block at build_twin.r:1" it
said "Failure in roxygen block beginning build_twin.r:1" ? The
advantage of using the slightly cryptic filename:linenumber format is
that (eventually) IDEs like Rstudio will autolink it so that you can
jump straight to the source.


On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 12:09 PM, Timothy Bates
Ah... might be better to say "somewhere past line x?"
PS: the warning for default wrap is truncated for me... so it misses out the
helpful tip on getting rid of this
So despite
[1] 1000
I see
Using the default option wrap = FALSE since it was not specified in the
Roxygen field in DESCRIPTION
Not the intended
Using the default option wrap = FALSE since it was not specified in the
Roxygen field in DESCRIPTION. To configure this explicitly, add the
following line to the DESCRIPTION file: `Roxygen: list(wrap = FALSE)`
On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Timothy Bates
I'm getting an error running document() which is
Updating umx.twin documentation
Loading umx.twin
Using the default option wrap = FALSE since it was not specified in the
Roxygen field in DESCRIPTION
Error: Failure in roxygen block at build_twin.r:1
@result, is an unknown key
that file.
#' x = rbind(satModel$top.expMeanMZ at result,
satModel$top.expMeanDZ at result)
So, two questions. what does the error "unknown key" mean? and why is the
error for line 1?
you meant to use # instead of #' ?
Unfortunately I can only localise errors to the block in which they
occurred, not the specific line.
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Hadley Wickham
2014-03-13 20:57:38 UTC
On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 12:02 PM, Timothy Bates
If I cd into the directory of a package under devtools control, then this
result obtains
Post by Hadley Wickham
Error in file(con, "w") : cannot open the connection
In file(con, "w") : cannot open file './man/figures': Is a directory
In general, errors with suggestions would be great :-)
Like "Doesn't look like a package: Perhaps you need to cd into a the Roxygen
folder?" or whatever
How about: "This directory doesn't look like a package. Are you sure
that you're in the right directory?"
