[Roxygen-devel] S4 documentation
Hadley Wickham
2011-11-11 13:58:29 UTC
Hi all,

I've been spending some time thinking about how to document S4
methods, and I've included my current thoughts so far. I'd really
appreciate your feedback, so we can get roxygen2 working well with S4.

# Methods

Two types of generics:

* Large number of simple methods such as in the Matrix package. All methods
have the same arguments with the same meaning and no `...`. Often dispatch
on multiple parameters, leading to a combinatorial explosion of methods.
This also includes methods like `length` which many classes implement, but
are typically intuitive and need little explanation.

Methods are only listed in the generic so you know what is available.

Method look up goes directly to the generic.

* Small number of complex methods, where each method needs individual
documentation. This includes methods like `print`, where different classes
have different arguments. Similarly, model methods like `predict` and
`anova` typically need documentation for individual methods because that's
where it is most appropriate to describe the statistical operation.

Methods are listed in the generic along with a brief description and a
pointer to more information. They have their own topics and method lookup
goes to individual methods.

This style of method seems to be somewhat more prevalent in S3.

The user should be able to switch between these two types of documentation:

* if method only has description, defaults to including in generic
* if method has anything more than a description, gets own file.

Question: should all methods get their own file? If yes, then what
should the name/alias for the topic be because the main alias should
be in the generic.

# Generics

Generics use `\Sexpr{}` to dynamically list method descriptions from
other locations at render time. Uses `findMethods()` to find all
methods corresponding to the generic, then determines the topic name
for each method, then determines the Rd file name, then extracts the
description for each Rd file. (Will need to exclude methods already
documented in the generic). All methods documented in a given topic
are grouped together.

Methods should be listed in a `Methods` section, sorted by signature.

# Classes

Similarly, class uses `\Sexpr{}` to pull in minimal method description
for all class methods. Also need `\Sexpr{}` macro to list all
subclasses of the class. See `class?diagonalMatrix` for a good
example. Class should have slots, which by default is a list of slot
names and their known prototypes. Optionally overridden by the user
with `@slot` tag.

Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
Department of Statistics / Rice University
Colin A. Smith
2011-11-11 16:07:44 UTC
I'm developing a new, relatively complex, R package right now. It's been a while since I've done so and had more recently been doing a lot of C++ programming with Doxygen. I've found manually maintaining Rd files to be a real pain, and was really happy to find Roxygen.

For the most part, packages that I've written (and am currently writing) have complex classes that store and process a large amount of data. There are usually many generics with only a single method each. The xcms package has several such classes:


For that package, some of of the methods were so simple that the method/generic documentation was kept in the class itself, which would add a type of documentation to the list below. More complex methods got their own page.

I have some code written for class documentation which pulls method descriptions in during the roxygenize() call. I haven't pushed that out to Github yet because I'm waiting on how my other pull request goes. :-)


Post by Hadley Wickham
Hi all,
I've been spending some time thinking about how to document S4
methods, and I've included my current thoughts so far. I'd really
appreciate your feedback, so we can get roxygen2 working well with S4.
# Methods
* Large number of simple methods such as in the Matrix package. All methods
have the same arguments with the same meaning and no `...`. Often dispatch
on multiple parameters, leading to a combinatorial explosion of methods.
This also includes methods like `length` which many classes implement, but
are typically intuitive and need little explanation.
Methods are only listed in the generic so you know what is available.
Method look up goes directly to the generic.
* Small number of complex methods, where each method needs individual
documentation. This includes methods like `print`, where different classes
have different arguments. Similarly, model methods like `predict` and
`anova` typically need documentation for individual methods because that's
where it is most appropriate to describe the statistical operation.
Methods are listed in the generic along with a brief description and a
pointer to more information. They have their own topics and method lookup
goes to individual methods.
This style of method seems to be somewhat more prevalent in S3.
* if method only has description, defaults to including in generic
* if method has anything more than a description, gets own file.
Question: should all methods get their own file? If yes, then what
should the name/alias for the topic be because the main alias should
be in the generic.
# Generics
Generics use `\Sexpr{}` to dynamically list method descriptions from
other locations at render time. Uses `findMethods()` to find all
methods corresponding to the generic, then determines the topic name
for each method, then determines the Rd file name, then extracts the
description for each Rd file. (Will need to exclude methods already
documented in the generic). All methods documented in a given topic
are grouped together.
Methods should be listed in a `Methods` section, sorted by signature.
# Classes
Similarly, class uses `\Sexpr{}` to pull in minimal method description
for all class methods. Also need `\Sexpr{}` macro to list all
subclasses of the class. See `class?diagonalMatrix` for a good
example. Class should have slots, which by default is a list of slot
names and their known prototypes. Optionally overridden by the user
Hadley Wickham
2011-11-11 16:51:34 UTC
Post by Colin A. Smith
For that package, some of of the methods were so simple that the method/generic documentation was kept in the class itself, which would add a type of documentation to the list below. More complex methods got their own page.
In that case, why both creating a generic at all? Why not just use a
regular function?

Regardless, I think that case doesn't need any underlying changes. So
long as @rdname works, you can combine any arbitrary
functions/classes/methods into a single documentation file.

Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
Department of Statistics / Rice University
Michael Lawrence
2011-11-12 13:55:44 UTC
Hey guys,

These are the two basic design approaches when it comes to S4 programming:

1) Generic-centric: This corresponds to Hadley's first classification and
is the "functional OOP" style, where there is a function that is "extended"
with methods.

2) Class-centric: This is the conventional class-based OOP approach, where
generics are sort of abused into providing methods "belonging" to classes.
Generally, these only have a single argument in their signature. I think
this is more along the lines of Colin's use-case. This also matches up with
R5 classes.

<sidenote>Although in many cases one could create such class-based methods
with simple functions, if someone wants to override one in a subclass, they
will need to create a method (which would create an implicit generic,
defaulting to the original function). Usually though, that implicit generic
is undesirable, because it does not a well-defined signature. In
particular, it might not have "..." in its signature. This is often
desirable, because methods can add formal arguments to that "...", separate
from their signature, and this needs to be handled. Anyway, the generic
should probably be defined in the first package; otherwise, we might end up
with multiple generics across packages that would need to have consistent

Every project is usually some mix of the above styles. A reasonable object
model for this would have classes, generics and methods, with methods
pointing to their generic and all of the classes in their signature (these
generics and classes could be defined in other packages). The
implementation could simply use the methods package for keeping track of

It is clear that the user wants multiple views of the documentation. As
Hadley brought up, it is desirable to have dynamic class-centric,
generic-centric and method-centric views. The Rd is one type of view. How
to store the data? Adding the documentation in a formal structure to each
class, generic and method object would be awesome. Not sure how to
implement it (maybe extend them? RoxygenStandardGeneric, etc?). Anyway,
that would allow all sorts of complex views. It would also allow packages
that employ meta-programming, i.e., writing a function that defines one
type of class (like setPropertySet and setEnum in objectProperties),
because that function could auto-generate and transform the documentation,
as well. It would also allow language bindings to derive/R-ify
documentation from external libraries. R5 already has the "doc string", but
we would want a formal object of some sort. To support the R help() view,
we would need files in the Rd that would be largely generated with \Sexpr{}.

If the above is too far fetched, then we could serialize that documentation
to a database, probably Rd in the 'man' directory, with liberal use of
\Sexpr{}, as Hadley suggests. Every object would get its own file.

As far as the views of generics and classes, Hadley's plan is a good start.
In addition, we would want more cross-references between classes, generics
and methods. The methods are the edges in a bipartite graph of classes and
generics. In other words, the generic document would have a \seealso{} or
something that links to the classes included in one of the method
signatures for the generic, as a summary. Similarly, the class document
would have a summary section linking to all generics that have it in a
method signature.

For consistency, every method should have a view, and it should be richer
than simply documenting the method like a function. It could, for example,
have a \seealso{} to all methods on that generic with signatures that match
at least one class in its signature. Here "match" would mean not always the
same class, but a subclass or superclass, as well.

For classes, displaying the slots should be optional. Often, that would
just be an implementation detail. I would say always hide a slot unless
explicitly asked to make it public. Up for discussion. The class document
would want to group its methods by generic and collapse them somehow. If
there is a single method matching the class, briefly list its documentation
(which somehow includes the generic description). This satisfies the
class-centric case. If there are multiple methods, list the generic
description, and available method signatures, with links.

One last thing: documentation for classes can get pretty long. Is there a
way to @include extra files? Steve Lianoglou had this idea.

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Hadley Wickham
2011-11-14 15:08:27 UTC
Post by Michael Lawrence
<sidenote>Although in many cases one could create such class-based methods
with simple functions, if someone wants to override one in a subclass, they
will need to create a method (which would create an implicit generic,
defaulting to the original function). Usually though, that implicit generic
is undesirable, because it does not a well-defined signature. In particular,
it might not have "..." in its signature. This is often desirable, because
methods can add formal arguments to that "...", separate from their
signature, and this needs to be handled. Anyway, the generic should probably
be defined in the first package; otherwise, we might end up with multiple
generics across packages that would need to have consistent
Thanks for the explanation!
Post by Michael Lawrence
Every project is usually some mix of the above styles. A reasonable object
model for this would have classes, generics and methods, with methods
pointing to their generic and all of the classes in their signature (these
generics and classes could be defined in other packages). The implementation
could simply use the methods package for keeping track of this.
A similarly, classes should point to all parent and child classes.
Post by Michael Lawrence
It is clear that the user wants multiple views of the documentation. As
Hadley brought up, it is desirable to have dynamic class-centric,
generic-centric and method-centric views. The Rd is one type of view. How to
store the data?? Adding the documentation in a formal structure to each
class, generic and method object would be awesome.
I think the first step is to develop an object representation of R
documentation, backed by Rd files. Once we have that working (which
already would be very useful for roxygen2), it would be possible to
explore different backing systems: xml, mallard, sqlite etc.
Post by Michael Lawrence
Not sure how to implement
it (maybe extend them? RoxygenStandardGeneric, etc?).? Anyway, that would
allow all sorts of complex views. It would also allow packages that employ
meta-programming, i.e., writing a function that defines one type of class
(like setPropertySet and setEnum in objectProperties), because that function
could auto-generate and transform the documentation, as well.
Yes, user specifiable sub-classes would be cool. How this interacts
with the compilation process that turns roxygen comments in to
documentation objects might be complex, however.
Post by Michael Lawrence
It would also
allow language bindings to derive/R-ify documentation from external
libraries. R5 already has the "doc string", but we would want a formal
object of some sort. To support the R help() view, we would need files in
the Rd that would be largely generated with \Sexpr{}.
Ah, yes, that's a cool idea. In principle, the Rd file could just be
\Sexpr{generateRd("topicname")}. But in practice, you'd probably want
some stuff statically generated like the name and aliases.
Post by Michael Lawrence
As far as the views of generics and classes, Hadley's plan is a good start.
In addition, we would want more cross-references between classes, generics
and methods. The methods are the edges in a bipartite graph of classes and
generics. In other words, the generic document would have a \seealso{} or
something that links to the classes included in one of the method signatures
for the generic, as a summary. Similarly, the class document would have a
summary section linking to all generics that have it in a method signature.
Ooh, I like that idea.
Post by Michael Lawrence
For consistency, every method should have a view, and it should be richer
than simply documenting the method like a function. It could, for example,
have a \seealso{} to all methods on that generic with signatures that match
at least one class in its signature. Here "match" would mean not always the
same class, but a subclass or superclass, as well.
I like that idea too.
Post by Michael Lawrence
For classes, displaying the slots should be optional. Often, that would just
be an implementation detail. I would say always hide a slot unless
explicitly asked to make it public. Up for discussion. The class document
would want to group its methods by generic and collapse them somehow. If
there is a single method matching the class, briefly list its documentation
(which somehow includes the generic description). This satisfies the
class-centric case. If there are multiple methods, list the generic
description, and available method signatures, with links.
You mean hiding in the documentation sense, right? Sort of privacy by
Post by Michael Lawrence
One last thing: documentation for classes can get pretty long. Is there a
That's another interesting idea. We currently have @template, which
is a superset of @include, but it might be worthwhile differentiating
them semantically. Where would you imagine such include files living?
Would they be R files or plain text to be interpreted as roxygen
comments? (We decided on R files for templates so that existing
syntax highlighting code would work)

Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
Department of Statistics / Rice University
Michael Lawrence
2011-11-14 15:51:59 UTC
Post by Hadley Wickham
Post by Michael Lawrence
<sidenote>Although in many cases one could create such class-based
Post by Michael Lawrence
with simple functions, if someone wants to override one in a subclass,
Post by Michael Lawrence
will need to create a method (which would create an implicit generic,
defaulting to the original function). Usually though, that implicit
Post by Michael Lawrence
is undesirable, because it does not a well-defined signature. In
Post by Michael Lawrence
it might not have "..." in its signature. This is often desirable,
Post by Michael Lawrence
methods can add formal arguments to that "...", separate from their
signature, and this needs to be handled. Anyway, the generic should
Post by Michael Lawrence
be defined in the first package; otherwise, we might end up with multiple
generics across packages that would need to have consistent
Thanks for the explanation!
Post by Michael Lawrence
Every project is usually some mix of the above styles. A reasonable
Post by Michael Lawrence
model for this would have classes, generics and methods, with methods
pointing to their generic and all of the classes in their signature
Post by Michael Lawrence
generics and classes could be defined in other packages). The
Post by Michael Lawrence
could simply use the methods package for keeping track of this.
A similarly, classes should point to all parent and child classes.
Post by Michael Lawrence
It is clear that the user wants multiple views of the documentation. As
Hadley brought up, it is desirable to have dynamic class-centric,
generic-centric and method-centric views. The Rd is one type of view.
How to
Post by Michael Lawrence
store the data? Adding the documentation in a formal structure to each
class, generic and method object would be awesome.
I think the first step is to develop an object representation of R
documentation, backed by Rd files. Once we have that working (which
already would be very useful for roxygen2), it would be possible to
explore different backing systems: xml, mallard, sqlite etc.
Sounds good.
Post by Hadley Wickham
Post by Michael Lawrence
Not sure how to implement
it (maybe extend them? RoxygenStandardGeneric, etc?). Anyway, that would
allow all sorts of complex views. It would also allow packages that
Post by Michael Lawrence
meta-programming, i.e., writing a function that defines one type of class
(like setPropertySet and setEnum in objectProperties), because that
Post by Michael Lawrence
could auto-generate and transform the documentation, as well.
Yes, user specifiable sub-classes would be cool. How this interacts
with the compilation process that turns roxygen comments in to
documentation objects might be complex, however.
Post by Michael Lawrence
It would also
allow language bindings to derive/R-ify documentation from external
libraries. R5 already has the "doc string", but we would want a formal
object of some sort. To support the R help() view, we would need files in
the Rd that would be largely generated with \Sexpr{}.
Ah, yes, that's a cool idea. In principle, the Rd file could just be
\Sexpr{generateRd("topicname")}. But in practice, you'd probably want
some stuff statically generated like the name and aliases.
Post by Michael Lawrence
As far as the views of generics and classes, Hadley's plan is a good
Post by Michael Lawrence
In addition, we would want more cross-references between classes,
Post by Michael Lawrence
and methods. The methods are the edges in a bipartite graph of classes
Post by Michael Lawrence
generics. In other words, the generic document would have a \seealso{} or
something that links to the classes included in one of the method
Post by Michael Lawrence
for the generic, as a summary. Similarly, the class document would have a
summary section linking to all generics that have it in a method
Ooh, I like that idea.
Post by Michael Lawrence
For consistency, every method should have a view, and it should be richer
than simply documenting the method like a function. It could, for
Post by Michael Lawrence
have a \seealso{} to all methods on that generic with signatures that
Post by Michael Lawrence
at least one class in its signature. Here "match" would mean not always
Post by Michael Lawrence
same class, but a subclass or superclass, as well.
I like that idea too.
Post by Michael Lawrence
For classes, displaying the slots should be optional. Often, that would
Post by Michael Lawrence
be an implementation detail. I would say always hide a slot unless
explicitly asked to make it public. Up for discussion. The class document
would want to group its methods by generic and collapse them somehow. If
there is a single method matching the class, briefly list its
Post by Michael Lawrence
(which somehow includes the generic description). This satisfies the
class-centric case. If there are multiple methods, list the generic
description, and available method signatures, with links.
You mean hiding in the documentation sense, right? Sort of privacy by
Post by Hadley Wickham
Post by Michael Lawrence
One last thing: documentation for classes can get pretty long. Is there a
them semantically. Where would you imagine such include files living?
Would they be R files or plain text to be interpreted as roxygen
comments? (We decided on R files for templates so that existing
syntax highlighting code would work)
There may be a use-case for @including Roxygen comments, but I think my
use-case would benefit more from pure Rd that would just be concatenated
into the resulting Rd file. These would be things like extra \section{}s.
Post by Hadley Wickham
Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
Department of Statistics / Rice University
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Manuel J. A. Eugster
2011-11-14 15:56:34 UTC
Post by Michael Lawrence
Post by Michael Lawrence
One last thing: documentation for classes can get pretty long. Is
there a
them semantically. Where would you imagine such include files living?
Would they be R files or plain text to be interpreted as roxygen
comments? (We decided on R files for templates so that existing
syntax highlighting code would work)
use-case would benefit more from pure Rd that would just be concatenated
into the resulting Rd file. These would be things like extra
to a file?
In roxygen (v1) existing Rd files in the Rd directory are merged with
the documentation generated by roxygen based on the file name and

Maybe we can implement something similar in roxygen2? Would that help?

Hadley Wickham
2011-11-14 17:21:19 UTC
Post by Manuel J. A. Eugster
In roxygen (v1) existing Rd files in the Rd directory are merged with
the documentation generated by roxygen based on the file name and
Maybe we can implement something similar in roxygen2? Would that help?
I really don't like mixing generated and hand-written files in the
same directory - it just seems like a recipe for trouble. (And makes
source code control just that much more complicated)

Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
Department of Statistics / Rice University
Michael Lawrence
2011-11-14 17:57:18 UTC
Post by Hadley Wickham
Post by Manuel J. A. Eugster
In roxygen (v1) existing Rd files in the Rd directory are merged with
the documentation generated by roxygen based on the file name and
Maybe we can implement something similar in roxygen2? Would that help?
I really don't like mixing generated and hand-written files in the
same directory - it just seems like a recipe for trouble. (And makes
source code control just that much more complicated)
Agreed. It's nice to have the reference along with the other documentation.
I don't have any opinion on where the templates are located, but I would
recommend that there is a generic, modular import mechanism that is able to
parse any type of file into the Rd object model, as long as a driver exists.
Post by Hadley Wickham
Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
Department of Statistics / Rice University
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Hadley Wickham
2012-01-02 15:19:32 UTC
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Michael Lawrence
Post by Michael Lawrence
Post by Hadley Wickham
Post by Manuel J. A. Eugster
In roxygen (v1) existing Rd files in the Rd directory are merged with
the documentation generated by roxygen based on the file name and
Maybe we can implement something similar in roxygen2? Would that help?
I really don't like mixing generated and hand-written files in the
same directory - it just seems like a recipe for trouble. ?(And makes
source code control just that much more complicated)
Agreed. It's nice to have the reference along with the other documentation.
I don't have any opinion on where the templates are located, but I would
recommend that there is a generic, modular import mechanism that is able to
parse any type of file into the Rd object model, as long as a driver exists.
Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
Department of Statistics / Rice University
Manuel J. A. Eugster
2011-11-14 18:18:41 UTC
Post by Hadley Wickham
Post by Manuel J. A. Eugster
In roxygen (v1) existing Rd files in the Rd directory are merged with
the documentation generated by roxygen based on the file name and
Maybe we can implement something similar in roxygen2? Would that help?
I really don't like mixing generated and hand-written files in the
same directory - it just seems like a recipe for trouble. (And makes
source code control just that much more complicated)
Yes that's true. BTW: that reminds me that it would be nice to
have an indicater in Rd files which says that this Rd file is
generated by roxygen (maybe a comment). Would make a "make clean"

Hadley Wickham
2012-01-02 15:17:22 UTC
Post by Manuel J. A. Eugster
Yes that's true. BTW: that reminds me that it would be nice to
have an indicater in Rd files which says that this Rd file is
generated by roxygen (maybe a comment). Would make a "make clean"

Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
Department of Statistics / Rice University
Steve Lianoglou
2011-11-14 15:58:38 UTC
Ah, simultaneous post, perhaps to merge both use cases:

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 10:51 AM, Michael Lawrence
Post by Michael Lawrence
them semantically. ?Where would you imagine such include files living?
?Would they be R files or plain text to be interpreted as roxygen
comments? ?(We decided on R files for templates so that existing
syntax highlighting code would work)
use-case would benefit more from pure Rd that would just be concatenated
into the resulting Rd file. These would be things like extra \section{}s.
Maybe if the include file has an *.rdox suffix (or whatever), it could
be normal roxygen formatted, and if it is *.Rd, it's just straight Rd
text that's inlined into the appropriate place of the final
roxygen-constructed Rd file.

Steve Lianoglou
Graduate Student: Computational Systems Biology
?| Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
?| Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Contact Info: http://cbio.mskcc.org/~lianos/contact
Hadley Wickham
2011-11-14 17:20:38 UTC
Post by Steve Lianoglou
Post by Michael Lawrence
use-case would benefit more from pure Rd that would just be concatenated
into the resulting Rd file. These would be things like extra \section{}s.
Maybe if the include file has an *.rdox suffix (or whatever), it could
be normal roxygen formatted, and if it is *.Rd, it's just straight Rd
text that's inlined into the appropriate place of the final
roxygen-constructed Rd file.
And if it was .R it could be treated as commented roxygen tags. I
think that would work well for @templates. There's no way that Rd
includes/templates can work in the short-term, because they need to be
parsed and converted in to roxygen's Rd object format, but long-term I
think it's reasonable.

Where do you think the files should live? Templates currently live in
man-roxygen (i.e. that's where the path defaults to), but maybe they
should default to the root directory so you can specify where they

Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
Department of Statistics / Rice University
Steve Lianoglou
2011-11-14 15:55:12 UTC

Lots of great ideas there.
Post by Michael Lawrence
One last thing: documentation for classes can get pretty long. Is there a
them semantically. ?Where would you imagine such include files living?
?Would they be R files or plain text to be interpreted as roxygen
comments? ?(We decided on R files for templates so that existing
syntax highlighting code would work)
When I floated it on the bioc-devel list, it was simply suggested as a
means to avoid having long encyclopedic like documentation text take
up the majority of a source file.

That type of documentation is super handy when you actually want to
fire up the help page to explore what this or that method/class does,
but as a developer writing S4-style code, I'd be really happy if I can
just have "the nut" of the documentation there inline w/ the code,
which in my mind includes:

(1) The banner
(2) Description
(3) What each argument is
(4) What is returned

If the usage/details benefits from some long explanation, then it
would be nice to just stash that in an @include `somehting`.

I was imagining it would just be simple text file that follows roxygen
syntax, perhaps w/o having to prefix each line with a #' (or ##' for
the emacs-en).

And perhaps just have that include some file path in a default folder,
maybe PKG/rdox?

So an `@include something/somewhere

Might just include the file
`PKG/rdox/something/somewhere(.rdoxy|.txt|)?` or something ... but
smarter (and more convenient) include schemes could be "schemed up," I

Steve Lianoglou
Graduate Student: Computational Systems Biology
?| Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
?| Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Contact Info: http://cbio.mskcc.org/~lianos/contact
Michael Lawrence
2011-11-19 11:41:07 UTC
To add on to this a little bit, there needs to be convenient support for
generating NAMESPACE imports.

If a class is included in a method signature, or is passed in "contains" to
setClass(), and it is not defined within the package, Roxygen should search
the dependent packages for a class of the same name and generate an
importClassesFrom() directive. User should be able to override, just in
case it picks the wrong package.

When a method is defined for a generic not defined in the package, search
the dependencies and importFrom() it.
Post by Michael Lawrence
Hey guys,
1) Generic-centric: This corresponds to Hadley's first classification and
is the "functional OOP" style, where there is a function that is "extended"
with methods.
2) Class-centric: This is the conventional class-based OOP approach, where
generics are sort of abused into providing methods "belonging" to classes.
Generally, these only have a single argument in their signature. I think
this is more along the lines of Colin's use-case. This also matches up with
R5 classes.
<sidenote>Although in many cases one could create such class-based methods
with simple functions, if someone wants to override one in a subclass, they
will need to create a method (which would create an implicit generic,
defaulting to the original function). Usually though, that implicit generic
is undesirable, because it does not a well-defined signature. In
particular, it might not have "..." in its signature. This is often
desirable, because methods can add formal arguments to that "...", separate
from their signature, and this needs to be handled. Anyway, the generic
should probably be defined in the first package; otherwise, we might end up
with multiple generics across packages that would need to have consistent
Every project is usually some mix of the above styles. A reasonable object
model for this would have classes, generics and methods, with methods
pointing to their generic and all of the classes in their signature (these
generics and classes could be defined in other packages). The
implementation could simply use the methods package for keeping track of
It is clear that the user wants multiple views of the documentation. As
Hadley brought up, it is desirable to have dynamic class-centric,
generic-centric and method-centric views. The Rd is one type of view. How
to store the data? Adding the documentation in a formal structure to each
class, generic and method object would be awesome. Not sure how to
implement it (maybe extend them? RoxygenStandardGeneric, etc?). Anyway,
that would allow all sorts of complex views. It would also allow packages
that employ meta-programming, i.e., writing a function that defines one
type of class (like setPropertySet and setEnum in objectProperties),
because that function could auto-generate and transform the documentation,
as well. It would also allow language bindings to derive/R-ify
documentation from external libraries. R5 already has the "doc string", but
we would want a formal object of some sort. To support the R help() view,
we would need files in the Rd that would be largely generated with \Sexpr{}.
If the above is too far fetched, then we could serialize that
documentation to a database, probably Rd in the 'man' directory, with
liberal use of \Sexpr{}, as Hadley suggests. Every object would get its own
As far as the views of generics and classes, Hadley's plan is a good
start. In addition, we would want more cross-references between classes,
generics and methods. The methods are the edges in a bipartite graph of
classes and generics. In other words, the generic document would have a
\seealso{} or something that links to the classes included in one of the
method signatures for the generic, as a summary. Similarly, the class
document would have a summary section linking to all generics that have it
in a method signature.
For consistency, every method should have a view, and it should be richer
than simply documenting the method like a function. It could, for example,
have a \seealso{} to all methods on that generic with signatures that match
at least one class in its signature. Here "match" would mean not always the
same class, but a subclass or superclass, as well.
For classes, displaying the slots should be optional. Often, that would
just be an implementation detail. I would say always hide a slot unless
explicitly asked to make it public. Up for discussion. The class document
would want to group its methods by generic and collapse them somehow. If
there is a single method matching the class, briefly list its documentation
(which somehow includes the generic description). This satisfies the
class-centric case. If there are multiple methods, list the generic
description, and available method signatures, with links.
One last thing: documentation for classes can get pretty long. Is there a
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Hadley Wickham
2012-01-02 15:15:50 UTC
Post by Michael Lawrence
To add on to this a little bit, there needs to be convenient support for
generating NAMESPACE imports.
If a class is included in a method signature, or is passed in "contains" to
setClass(), and it is not defined within the package, Roxygen should search
the dependent packages for a class of the same name and generate an
importClassesFrom() directive. User should be able to override, just in case
it picks the wrong package.
When a method is defined for a generic not defined in the package, search
the dependencies and importFrom() it.
Filed at https://github.com/klutometis/roxygen/issues/68 so I don't
forget about it.

Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
Department of Statistics / Rice University