[Roxygen-devel] Documenting S4 methods with class names that are not valid filenames?
Carl Boettiger
2014-08-19 16:36:09 UTC
HI List,

I have the misfortune to have an object class I'd like to document an S4
method for, in which the object class name is not a valid filename (do to
having a ":"). The method and the Roxygen documentation are thus:

#' concatenate stmml:unit objects
#' concatenates stmml:unit objects into stmml:ListOfunit objects
#' @param x,... units to concatenate
#' @param recursive not implemented at this time
#' @rdname class-stmml:unit
setMethod("c", signature("stmml:unit"), function(x, ..., recursive = FALSE)
new("stmml:ListOfunit", list(x, ...)))

How would I modify this to create valid documentation? Currently this will
error that rdname is not a valid filename, but changing the rdname (e.g.
just removing the ":") results in a new error about undocumented methods.


Carl Boettiger
UC Santa Cruz
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