[Roxygen-devel] Multiple space separated parameter
Sven E. Templer
2014-08-19 16:25:22 UTC
Dear list,

I came across an issue filed in 2011 as git(hub) repository issue [1],
then on this mailing list [2] (with no reply) and nowadays on
stackoverflow [3].
The issue is about providing a method to use @param with multiple
arguments which are comma AND space separated to allow a line break in
the final Rd file. Examples can be found on SO [3].

Are there any attempts to include a solution as suggested in [1,2] such as
@multParam 3 a b c Description
@param {a, b, c} Description
I would prefer the second format, with [],{} or ().

Thank you,

[1] https://github.com/klutometis/roxygen/pull/31
[2] http://lists.r-forge.r-project.org/pipermail/roxygen-devel/2011-October/000315.html
[3] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25308059/generate-items-with-multiple-arguments-in-an-r-documentation-via-roxygen2